Welcome to The Art of Flying!

We are glad to bring you high quality aviation wallpapers for FREE! We plan to paint every major airliner in the long run so this is one MEGA project!

We hope there'll be something for everyone!

Remember to recommend us to your friends and be sure to 'Like' our Facebook page!
- Phillip Tan
  Lead Artist

The Art of Flying now has...

illustrations of aircraft types
and counting!

NEW! Online PDF catalogues are now available for browsing. Now you can see all our available wallpapers at one glance! Simply click either of the links below.
(Filesize is abt 1.7MB each)

Sorted by Aircraft Type
Sorted by Airline


All wallpapers available on this website are the copyright of Phillip Tan and MAY NOT BE SOLD/REDISTRIBUTED without permission.

Please help keep the wallpapers free by clicking on some ads that you like! Thanks!

Handcrafted on the good ol' Notepad. All wallpapers available on this website are the copyright of Phillip Tan and MAY NOT BE SOLD/REDISTRIBUTED without permission.